What is GIVE Melbourne?

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GIVE Melbourne is a month-long digital fundraising campaign throughout June to raise funds to support Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation and three of its partner projects. It is organised and run by Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation. GIVE Melbourne is an opportunity for Melburnians to get together and support the causes they feel most passionate about because we know that the biggest changes happen when we all work together.

Where will my money go?

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You can choose to support the project you care most about, whether that's Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation directly, or one of the three partner projects. All gifts will be processed by Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation on behalf of the projects before being distributed to each partner when the campaign ends.

Who are the project partners?

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We're working with three partners - Infoxchange, Sweltering Cities and Good Cycles and full details on each one can be found on their project pages on this website.

Why is the goal 200 donors?

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At its heart, GIVE Melbourne is a community fundraising event. We believe that every gift makes a big difference and that when we all work together as a collective, we can drive positive change for all Melburnians. We hope that at least 200 people from across the whole of Greater Melbourne will be inspired to get involved and make a gift of any size.

Are there other ways to make a gift?

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If you would prefer to make a gift another way, please contact us at Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation on 03 9633 0033 or email us at philanthropy@lmcf.org.au

Is my donation information secure?

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The collection, use, disclosure, transfer or otherwise handling of any Personal Information by Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation must comply with the Privacy Laws. Please see Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation collection policy. Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation - Collection notice (lmcf.org.au)

All contact information is retained by Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation. Donor details will be shared only with the organisation a donor has made a donation to if the option is selected.

Who can I contact if I have a question?

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If you'd like to find out more about GIVE Melbourne or Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation, you can contact us on 03 9633 0033 or email us at philanthropy@lmcf.org.au

If you'd like to get in touch with our project partners you can do so directly:

Good Cycles | Contact Us

Infoxchange | Contact Us

Sweltering Cities | Contact Us

When does GIVE Melbourne end?

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We have until 8pm on Friday 28 June to be a part of the campaign, helping us to reach our overall goal of 200 donors.